copyright © 2006 Gray Seal
Magick and spell crafting have played a central role in people's lives since before recorded history.
The megalithic sites of Avebury and Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England tell of a close relationship with the turning wheel of the year and movements of the Sun. The numerous roundbarrows scattered throughout Wessex and the incredible longbarrows speak of a culture strong in structure and rich in ceremony.
* Make A Mini Lavender Besom.
* Make Your Own Herbal Protection and Healing Pouches.
* Making A Spirit Garden.
* Make Your Own Tempting Herbal Teas I - Using tea potions.
* Make Your Own Tempting Herbal Teas II - Choosing and preparing ingredients.
* Make Your Own Tempting Herbal Teas III - Storing your tea mixtures.
* Make Your Own Tempting Herbal Teas IV - Getting started with some recipes.
* Incense 101.
* Making your Own Incense.
* Magickal Oils 101.
* Mabon Oils.
* Make Your Own Imbolc Incense.
* Make Your Own Ostara Incense.
* Make Your Own Beltane Incense.
* Midsummer Incense You Can Make.
* Make Your Own Lughnasa Incense.
* Make Your Own Samhain Incense.
* Make A Yule Simmering Potpourri.
* Six Magickal Simmering Potpourri You Can Make.
* Kitchen Witchery 101.
* Kitchen Witch's Miscellanea.
* Bake A Yule Log Cake.
* Yule Food and Kitchen Folklore.
* December Cider (a.k.a. Festive Drink).
* Imbolc Maiden Wakes Muffins.
* Ostara Recipes.
* Beltane Recipes.
* Midsummer Recipes.
* Lughnasadh Recipe: Magickal Herb Toast.
* Mabon/Autumnal Equinox Foods.
* Elemental and Seasonal Brews (Autumn).
* Traditional Samhain Foods.
* Samhain Pumpkin Bread.
* Spell Crafts 101.
* Bring Spring's Blessings to Your Home.
* Decorating Eostre’s Eggs.
* Make a Money Attracting Pentacle.
* Make a Witches Bottle for Protection.
* Make a Traditional Besom.
* Make a Poppet For Love.
* Make A Festive Yule Log.
* Make Your Own Yule Ornaments.
* Imbolc Spell Crafting Activities.
* The Joy of Handcrafting Imbolc Talismans
* An Offering Plate for the Ancestors.
* Making Your Own Runes.
* The Joy of Handcrafting Imbolc Talismans
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