Days of the Week Correspondence

Tables of Magical Correspondence - Days of the Week.

    Copyright © 2006 Stephen Skinner

Each of the days of the week corresponds to the energies of one of the classical planets and carries a magical energy all its own. Pagans, witches and magicians may choose to time their worship or spellcasting activities based on the energies of the various days of the week.

Mon.MoonSilver, white, blueDiana, Artemis, Selene, Thoth, Lunawomen's mysteries, illusion, glamour, sleep, peace, beauty, prophesy, dreams, emotions, travel, fertility, insight, wisdom
TueMarsRed, black, orangeMars, Ares, Tiwazcourage, victory, success, strength, conviction, rebellion, defense, wards, protection
WedMercuryPurple, orangeMercury, Hermes, Wodencommunication, the arts, transportation, change, luck, gambling, fortune, chance, creativity
ThurJupiterBlue, purple, greenThor, Jupiter Junoabundance, protection, prosperity, strength, wealth, healing
FriVenusPink, aquaVenus, Aphrodite, Freyalove, birth, fertility, romance, gentleness, pregnancy, friendship, passion
SatSaturnBlack, purpleSaturn, Hecatebanishing, protection, wisdom, spirituality, cleansing
SunSunGold, yellowBrigid, Helios, Apollosuccess, promotion, fame, wealth, prosperity

Each of the days of the week corresponds to the energies of one of the classical planets and carries a magical energy all its own. Pagans, witches and magicians may choose to time their worship or spellcasting activities based on the energies of the various days of the week.

This Table & More Can Be Found Here:

The Magician's Tables.

Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences is a clear, straightforward companion for Pagan and Wiccan ritual and spellwork. Entries are cross-referenced, indexed, and organized by categories and subcategories, making it easy to find what you need.

This comprehensive reference provides a fascinating look at why correspondences are more than just lists of objects to focus intent on―they are fundamental to how we think. When we use correspondences, we weave together our ideas, beliefs, and energy, creating deeper meaning in our rituals and spellwork as we unite our individuality with a larger purpose.

Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences: A Comprehensive & Cross-Referenced Resource for Pagans & Wiccans (Llewellyn's Complete Book Series, 4) by Sandra Kynes