Copyright © 2002 Gerina Dunwich
A besom, small or large, is a traditional magickal tool made out of twigs and herbal brush. It is fashioned as a broom and used to sweep away negative energy in an area. Similar to smudging, a besom is also used to clear a designated space. Often, witches would use this to clear a space for a sacred circle or sweep their homes and hearths.
Besoms were also used long ago in marriage and fertility spells. Jumping over the broom symbolized many children for a newly married couple. This tool is a great symbol of male and female energies; the brush is to female as the handle is to male. Store your besom with the brush end up. Traditionally it is stored this way by the door to keep out unwanted negativity.
The besom is always made from natural products. You can make a besom out of any type of herb or tree.
Mini Lavender Besom:
Gather your ingredients during the waxing to full moon cycle to ensure your besom will be complete and ready to be blessed by the full moon.
Ingredients needed:
* fresh lavender stalks with flowers
* medium-sized birch branch
* twine
* zip ties
Lavender is used for love, healing, and clearing negativity. Birch's attributes are the same as in the traditional besom — healing, fertility, purification, and beginnings.
Gather your fresh lavender stalks with the flowers attached. Make sure you have enough to embody the brush of the broom.
Choose an appropriate-sized birch branch for the handle. It does not have to be perfect. A knotted branch adds character and beauty to a homemade magickal item.
Gather the stalks and securely bind them with two zip ties in equal distances apart. These zip ties hold the bushel together and mark the areas where you will bind with twine.
Whittle the bottom of the branch to a point to easily insert it into the tied bushel.
Affix the lavender securely onto the handle of the besom. Make sure it is tight enough to stay together. Clip the zip ties. You should now have a little broom.
Decorate the handle by carving runes and adding any small crystals for extra positive energy.
Consecrate your new tool and charge on the full moon light. Let your hands hover over your besom and allow the universal energy to flow.
Charge your tool and activate the magick within the herbs and branch. Recite the following incantation:
Moonlight magick shine down upon
This magickal tool until the dawn.
Awaken, awaken, lavender and birch,
Become my tool, clear a path for my search.
Now you have a magickal tool that will clear the way for you in your search for love. Use this to sweep negativity from your path. This is a great tool for clearing a small area before any magickal ritual is done.
There probably exists no plant or tree that hasn’t at one time, in some part of the world, been used in a spell or potion, or utilized as an amulet. And it is said that all parts of a plant, whether they be roots, buds, flowers, stems, or bark, are magickally significant.
Herbs are Mother Nature’s gifts to all of humankind, regardless of spiritual beliefs, magickal tradition, or culture. And whether you pride yourself as a country Witch or an urban Pagan, herbs can reward you with a wealth of enchantment, divination, and folklore.
Blessed be!
This book provides you with everything you need to know about the Pagan lore of plants and how to practice powerful magick utilizing roots, flowers, leaves, and bark. It reveals the well-guarded secrets of herbal enchantments from centuries past, touches on many of the intriguing folkloric beliefs connected to herbs, and provides a satisfying helping of east-to-follow spells for many purposes
Herbal Magick - A Witch's Guide to Herbal Enchantments, Folklore and Divinations by Gerina Dunwich.
Often Bought With This Item:
* The Enchanting World of Herbal Magic: A Practical Guide: by Earl LeMaster.
* Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs (Llewellyn's Sourcebook Series) (Cunningham's Encyclopedia Series, 1) by Scott Cunningham
* Witchcraft for Daily Self-Care: Nourishing Rituals and Spells for a More Balanced Life by Michael Herkes.
* Practical Magick for the Solitary Witch (3 in 1): Starter Kit of Modern Witchcraft: Wicca, Hoodoo, Folk Magick, Prayers & Protection Magick; Manifestation Spells, Rituals & Breaking Curses by Glinda Porter.
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