Copyright © 2006 Stephen Skinner
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Astrological Sign | Element | Yin/Yang Energy | Polarity | Planet | Part of Body | Day of the Week | Numbers | Gemstone | Color | Trees | Metal | Animal |
Aries | Fire | yang | positive | Mars | the head | Tuesday | 1 & 9 | diamond | red | all thorn-bearing trees | iron | sheep, and
rams |
Taurus | Earth | yin | negative | Venus | Neck and throat | Friday | 4 & 6 | emerald | light blue and mauve | cypress
and apple | copper | cattle (especially bulls) |
Gemini | Air | yang | positive | Mercury | the hands, arms, shoulders and lungs | Wednesday | 5 & 9 | agate | yellow | all nut-bearing trees | mercury | butterflies; and brightly colored
birds |
Cancer | Water | yin | negative | Moon | the breasts and stomach | Monday | 3 & 7 | pearl | sea green and silver | Trees rich in sap | silver | crabs, and animals with shell coverings |
Leo | Fire | yang | positive | Sun | the back, spine, and heart | Sunday | 8 & 9 | ruby | gold and orange | All citrus trees | gold | all felines (particularly lions |
Virgo | Earth | yin | negative | Mercury | the nervous system and the intestines | Wednesday | 3 & 5 | sapphire | Gray and navy blue | All nut-bearing trees | quicksilver | small household pets |
Libra | Air | yang | positive | Venus | the lower back, buttocks, and kidneys | Friday | 6 & 9 | opal | Blue and lavender | almond, ash, and cypress trees | copper | Snakes and lizards |
Scorpio | Water | yin | negative | Mars | the sexual organs | Tuesday | 2 & 4 | topaz | all dark shades of red | blackthorn trees | plutonium | scorpions, and insects |
Sagittarius | Fire | yang | positive | Jupiter | the liver, hips, and thighs | Thursday | 5 & 7 | turquoise | purple | Birch, mulberry, and oak trees | tin | horses, centaurs, and unicorns |
Capricorn | Earth | yin | negative | Saturn | the bones; knees, teeth, and skin | Saturday | 2 & 8 | garnet | Brown and dark green | elm, pine, and poplar trees | lead | goats, and all animals with cloven hoofs |
Aquarius | Air | yang | positive | Uranus | the blood, calves, shins, and ankles | Wednesday | 1 & 7 | amethyst | blue | all fruit trees | uranium | Birds |
Pieces | Water | yin | negative | Neptune | the feet and lymph glands | Friday | 2 & 6 | aquamarine | Pale green | Fig and willow trees | platinum | fish |
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