Copyright © 1980 Anna Riva
Candle burning is the most-used and most simple of the magical arts. From attracting love, luck, money or power to solving problems and learning secrets through dreams, it can all be accomplished with candle burning Magick.
The length of time a ritual should take is a decision which must be made based on the petitioner's goals and commitment. Small goals do not require as much concentrated effort as larger or more important ones. The simple act of igniting the candle in itself sets up a field of energy which can be sufficient to cause one's mind powers to become focused on the problem at hand. A brief moment's meditation, or the repetition of a short prayer or affirmation, may be all that is necessary to bring about a successful solution. For more serious or complicated situations, longer and more concentrated attention is usually required before results are obtained.
A candle may be lighted and allowed to burn until it is consumed. This method is most often employed when the purpose is for healing of the sick or for restoration of one's health. As one candle dies down, the next is lighted from the flame of the first, and a perpetual candle vigil is kept until the recovery is complete..
This book is primarily concerned with rituals which are those of action-changing oneself or another, drawing lovers closer, reversing evil which has been thrust upon the home, causing a neighbor to move away, finding a job, attracting business, or other positive accomplishments which demand genuine dedication and involvement on the part of the petitioner. And since it is one's own powers of mind, will power, mental energy, and positive attitude which brings about the success of the ritual, it is recommended that the rites be practiced daily until the mission is accomplished.
No complicated incantations are necessary. Simply sit quietly for a few minutes, blocking out all thoughts from the mind except the purpose for which the candle is to be burned. Concentrate on that objective completely-bring into the mind's eye a vision of the situation as you foresee it. It might be a picture of the one you love sitting beside you ... a relative who is ill can be envisioned well and energetic ... the money you need is there on the table in plain sight .. . a neighbor who bothers you can be seen waving good by as they leave the area with all their belongings . .. the bill you owe is clearly marked "paid in full ". Whatever the intent of the ritual, the successful conclusion you anticipate should be forcefully brought clearly into view. See sharply and definitely the results as you know they will be.
Once the outcome of the situation is clearly in mind, light the candle and allow it to burn for about an hour. During this time period, sit quietly and meditate upon your ritual's purpose and contemplate its successful ending.
Candle burning is the most-used and most simple of the magical arts, and this book is chock full of any kind of candle burning spell one could want. From attracting love, luck, money or power to solving problems and learning secrets through dreams, its all here. This little volume contains 409 rituals to make things happen in your life. This is a 95 page slim paperback book.
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