Crystal Properties

Different colored crystals have different vibrations.

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Just as light can be focused through a crystal, so can all types of magickal and psychic energies as well. Crystals influence the body's aura and play a vital role in the collections, passing and centering of energy in magickal/psychic works. Different colored crystals have different vibrations; these vibrations can be matched to ones own aura and own energy.

For Beauty:
Amber, Cat's-eye, Jasper, Opal

For Business Success:
Bloodstone, Malachite, Green Tourmaline, Yellow Zircon

For Courage:
Agate, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, Tiger's-eye, Turquoise

For Dieting:
Moonstone, Topaz

For Divination:
Azurite, Jet, Moonstone, Obsidian, Tiger's-eye

For Lucid Dreaming:
Amethyst, Azurite, Fluorite

For Eloquence:
Carnelian, Celestite, Sardonyx

Crystal Properties.

For Friendship:
Chysoprase, Pink Tourmaline, Turquoise

For Gardening:
Agate, Jade, Malachite, Brown Zircon

For the Goddess Aspect:
Moonstone, Chrysocolla

For the God Aspect:
Citrine, Malachite, Sunstone

For Grounding:
Hematite, Moonstone, Obsidian, Salt, Black Tourmaline

For Happiness:
Amethyst, Yellow Zircon

For Healing:
Agate, Amber, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Cat's-eye, Coral, Diamond, Garnet, Jade, Jet, Lapis Lazuli, Topaz, Turquoise, Red Zircon

For Longevity:
Agate, Amber, Fossils, Jade, Petrified Wood

For Love:
Agate, Amber, Amethyst, Beryl, Emerald, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Moonstone, Olivine, Pearl, Sapphire, Topaz, Turquoise

For Luck:
Amber, Apache Tear, Aventurine, Cross Stone, Jet, Olivine, Opal, Pearl, Sardonyx, Tiger's-eye, Turquoise

For Magical Power:
Bloodstone, Quartz Crystal, Malachite, Opal, Ruby

For Meditation:
Geodes, Sapphires, Sodalite

For Mental Powers:
Aventurine, Emerald, Fluorite, Zircon

For Money, Wealth, and Prosperity:
Aventurine, Bloodstone, Calcite, Cat's-eye, Coal, Diamond, Emerald, Jade, Mother-of-Pearl, Opal, Pearl, Peridot, Ruby, Salt, Sapphire, Tiger's-eye, Topaz, Green Tourmaline, Brown, Green or Red Zircon

For Peace:
Amethyst, Aventurine, Carnelian, Coral, Diamond, Lepidolite, Malachite, Obsidian, Sapphire, Sardoyx, Blue Tourmaline

For Physical Energy:
Agate, Amber, Beryl, Bloodstone, Diamond, Garnet

For Protection:
Agate, Amber, Apache Tear, Calcite, Cat's-eye, Citrine, Coral, Quartz Crystal, Diamond, Emerald, Flint, Fossils, Garnet, Jade, Jasper, Jet, Lapis Lazuli, Lava, Malachite, Marble, Moonstone, Mother-of-Pearl, Obsidian, Onyx, Pearl, Peridot, Petrified Wood, Ruby, Salt, Sardonyx, Sunstone, Tiger's-eye, Topaz, Black Tourmaline, Red Tourmaline, Turquoise, Clear Zircon, Red Zircon

Aquamarine, Salt,

Sexual Energy:
Carnelian, Sunstone, Yellow Zircon

For Sleep:
Moonstone, Peridot, Blue Tourmaline

For Spirituality:
Calcite, Diamond, Sugilite,

For Success:
Amazonite, Chrysoprase, Marble

For Safety in Travel:
Chalcedony, Orange Zircon

For Wisdom:
Coral, Jade, Sodalite, Sugiliterties 

More Crystal Wisdom Found Here:

The Crystal Bible.

A comprehensive and beautifully illustrated guide to crystals.

Find a known crystal instantly or identify an unknown crystal in this easy-to-follow directory that includes photographic identification, detailed descriptions, and information on the individual properties of each crystal--including the spiritual, mental and psychological, emotional and physical effects, plus its use in healing. It's an indispensable reference for crystal lovers everywhere.

The Crystal Bible (The Crystal Bible Series) by Judy Hall. 

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