Basic Candle Magick

Remember, Be careful about what you wish for because you just might get it.

        Copyright © 2000 Denise Zimmermann and Katherine A. Gleason

You can use candle magick and incense magick for just about any magickal purpose. You need to charge your candle or incense with your magickal intent before you light it. Then, when you do light it, you’re sending out your magick. See the magick rising toward the Gods. You can help send the magick upward by using a feather as a fan.

    What You Need for Candle Magick

Candles come in lots of shapes, sizes, and colors. You can buy a candle in the form of a cat, angel, devil, skull, cross, or human figure. You can also get candles that have seven knobs, candles that burn for seven days, bicolored candles, multicolored candles, floating candles, and ones that are one color on the inside and another color outside. Here’s what you’ll need to assemble for your candle magick:

   ➤ A candle in a color that corresponds to your magickal intent
   ➤ A small pointed crystal or your bolline (magick knife used for cutting physical objects)
   ➤ An essential oil that corresponds to your magickal intent
   ➤ Herbs that correspond to your magickal intent
   ➤ A mortar and pestle
   ➤ A candle holder 

Basic candle magick.

To do a candle spell to bring yourself money, use your crystal or bolline to carve your desire on the candle. You need to be specific about what you write on the candle. Remember be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. It’s nice to use a crystal because the crystal itself will also pull in energy and infuse the candle with added energy.

Then dress the candle with a magickal oil that represents your intent. When doing candle magick to bring something to them, many witches use this candle dressing method. Hold the candle so that one end faces you. Start applying oil to the candle from the middle and move your hand toward you. Then turn the candle around and coat the other half by moving your hand toward you. If you were doing magick to take something away, you would coat the candle with oil by moving your hand away from you. If you make your own magickal oils, you can empower the oil with herbs that also represent the intent of your spell.

You can also load a candle with magickal herbs. To do this, hollow out a hole in the bottom of your candle. Mix your herbs with some essential oil and fill the hole with the herb and oil mixture. Concentrate on your magickal intent while you work. Seal the hole up with wax, and your loaded candle is ready to use! When the candle burns down to your herb mixture, the herbs will ignite and blast your magick out to its destination.

Be extra sure that you use this candle in an area where you won’t start a fire because the herbs can flare up quite a bit. It’s usually a good idea to place your loaded candle in a deep candle cup or in the bathtub to finish burning.

This and more found here:

Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft.

A revised edition, updated with magickal concentration exercises, magickal ethics, expanded coverage of Wicca and its deities, and loads of new spells and recipes.

With the integration of witchcraft into pop culture (e.g. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Charmed on TV) interest in these topics is going ever more mainstream. According to, Wicca is growing on college campuses...Lehigh and the University

Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft, 2E (The Complete Idiot's Guide) by Denise Zimmermann & Katherine A. Gleason.

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