Consulting The Runes

The Runes can be consulted in many ways.

    Copyright © 2001 Gray Seal

The runes can be consulted in many ways, principally, however, by casting them. It is said, as we have already briefly mentioned, that they can also be used for protection, in matters of health and finance, and we will discuss these suggestions briefly before moving on to the most common usage of runes. The lettering used for such matters will be discussed as we progress through the alphabetical system.


Viking legend suggests that runes were buried around items needing protection from wandering tribes likely to rape and pillage, as well as being used for the protection of women and children whilst the Vikings were away.

I have heard of people leaving runes to care for their property whilst going on holiday - with some success. Some have hewn runic symbols above their front door for protection, whilst others have even used runic symbolism to protect their car from theft. In Viking times, runic symbols were often carved on the stern of longboats to offer protection. These were known to the Vikings as Brun runes.


Vikings used runes for healing and this tradition continues today. Those who study runes often carry them on visits to hospital or to the doctor, or in exam situations, just as students of crystals carry gemstones. Healing runes were known as Lim runes, and the symbols were carved into the south facing bark or leaves of appropriate healing trees.

Below is a list of runes, together with the help they reputedly offer to various parts of the body. I have not personally tried runes for healing, but can see no reason why they should not be tried out by those wishing to do so. However, irrespective of whether you are using runes, crystals, herbs or whatever, please do not abandon medication prescribed to you by your doctor. All these forms of healing should be viewed as complementary rather than alternatives to orthodox medication. Seek proper medical help and use things like runes as a 'top-up'.

I suggest that you try meditating with the rune connected to the particular complaint. You might also try using the symbol of the rune in an item of jewelery which you carry with you permanently, to reinforce any healing.

* Fehu - Chest and respiratory problems
* Uruz - Muscles and anything connected with bodily strength
* Thurisaz - Heart
* Ansuz - Mouth, teeth, throat, stutters
* Raido - Legs and gluteal muscles
* Kaunaz - Cysts, ulcers, abscesses and boils and any fever associated
* Gebo - Toxic poisoning
* Wunjo - Breathing problems
* Hagalaz - Wounds, grazes, cuts
* Nauthiz - The arms
* Isa - Any loss of feeling or sensation
* Jera - Bowel or digestive disorders
* Eihwaz - Eye problems
* Perth - Anything associated with childbirth or sexual organs
* Algiz - Mental or anxiety problems, head or brain, headaches
* Sowelu - Burns or skin problems
* Teiwaz - Rheumatics and arthritis, especially of hands
* Berkana - Fertility problems
* Ehwaz - Anything associated with the back
* Mannaz - Sprains, pulled tendons, etc., especially of feet or ankles
* Laguz - Kidneys
* Inguz - Problems associated with male genitalia
* Othila - Genetic problems, anything inherited
* Dagaz - Fear, distress, nervous problems, mental illness


Unlike the ancients, modern man has much need of money. Its acquisition seems to be a powerful force which drives many men to greed and avarice, as well as to ill health. However, it is said that you can obtain financial help through using the runes, provided that the need is genuine and necessary and not just adding to already bulging coffers!

If intending to use runes for financial matters, make sure you think long and hard about the need behind the desire, and not just of the desire itself, and also be prepared to receive the money in ways other than those envisaged. Remember - the money must be needed for necessities and must be an essential, not just an added bonus. The acquisition of money can come through using the runic letters to form a word, or by the use of the numbers 3 and 8, both of which were felt by the Vikings to have strong powers, or multiples thereof. 

More about Rune Magick here:

Nordic Runes.

Nordic runes are a potent and profoundly transformative magic system that gives contemporary readers access to the ancient wisdom tradition of Northern European cultures. The runes have deep resonances within the pagan Norse world of gods and goddesses, giants, dwarves, warriors, and wizards, which have greatly influenced the work of J.R.R. Tolkien, among others. Norse tradition attributes the discovery of the runes to the "All-Father" Odin--a god of inspiration and secret wisdom and the mythical prototype for runecasters, who established the pattern for gaining his knowledge.

Nordic Runes: Understanding, Casting, and Interpreting the Ancient Viking Oracle by Paul Rhys Mountfort. 

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