Copyright © 2001 Gray Seal
Lady Empress, Natures Queen. Who walks alone in lands between.
With Masks of gold and darkest gray. As nights own ward and Fire's day.
No man nor child of human face denies Thy works of ageless grace.
Or takes offense to winter's cold for through Her rest springs summer's gold.
So take my hands by crafted light. Take my arms with cunning might.
Take my voice and be my words. Take my soul of triple thirds.
Become my flesh and fill my blood. Infuse my bones with mystic flood.
And speak we two as name's invoked. Thy will in me. Thy will envoked.
"Through voices many, My names each are told. As Dina I hunt as Dana I hold. As Fauna and Bird, Demeter and Neth, All are eternal beyond even death. In darkness I die though Hel I am still. As Eris I toy. As Kali I kill. The likeness I steal from Brother, the sun. His image and death in My eyes are one. But through My embrace, My childern shall rise. No sleep shall enslave. No fate can disguise. All those among them, the weak and the strong. The wise and the lost, to Me all belong. And need Ye to find Me, Ye need only call.
On sabbat or moon. In spring or in fall. My wings are the wind. My blood is the seas. My womb is the earth. My arms are the trees. And these Mine own gifts to all I bestow. Of magick and sight to cure and grow. But mark Ye this well when dark arms invade. From evil of heart, My teachings soon fade. So go Ye in love and take what Ye need. My flesh be Thy feast though take not with greed. And those of the Wise whose beckon I know, May balance preserve Thee, above and below."
[This invocation may be chanted while moving or dancing around the altar
to raise elemental energy for magickal workings.]
A revised edition, updated with magickal concentration exercises, magickal ethics, expanded coverage of Wicca and its deities, and loads of new spells and recipes.
With the integration of witchcraft into pop culture (e.g. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Charmed on TV) interest in these topics is going ever more mainstream. According to, Wicca is growing on college campuses...Lehigh and the University
Often Bought With This Item:
* Wicca and Witchcraft For Dummies by Diane Smith.
* The Door to Witchcraft: A New Witch's Guide to History, Traditions, and Modern-Day Spells by Tonya A. Brown.
* Witchcraft for Beginners: 2 Books in 1: The Starter Kit for Herbal, Candles, Moon, and Crystals Magic. Master the Old Art of Making Rituals and Spells and Awaken the Spiritual Magic in You by Lisa Moon.
* Witchcraft: An Essential Guide to Witchcraft and Wicca, Including Wiccan Beliefs, White Magic Spells and Rituals by Amy Golden.
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